Baird Japan Tale Ale by Baird Beer

Baird Japan Tale Ale is a 5% fruit beer from Baird Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal range of beers and can be found on sale from the end of July onwards. It’s brewed using indigenous ingredients to Japan, such as korizato (rock sugar), ume (plums), and also Japanese wheat. Baird also use US Northern Brewer, Santiam, and Willamette hops in the beer.

Baird Japan Tale Ale ベアード日本物語エールBaird Japan Tale Ale Aroma and Taste

Baird Japan Tale Ale poured out a very hazy amber brown colour with barely any head on it at all. It had a slightly sweet aroma with hints of plums coming off of it, as well as a slight wheat nose to it. The plums had brought a tart note to the beer – not quite as strong as umeboshi (pickled plums) but there was something there. With a faint hint of yeast as well in the background, you couldn’t say Baird Japan Tale Ale was a boring story.

The body tied it together but with so much going on, it does overwhelm at times. The tartness of the ume came through in the body as and brought a gose-like approach to the beer. If there were any hops or bitterness, then they had been well hidden by all the other flavours going on, with wheat and a light biscuit flavour coming through in the end too.

Baird Japan Tale Ale The Bottom Line

Baird Japan Tale Ale is a peculiar beer that would be well suited to those hot summer nights in Japan.

Where to Buy Baird Japan Tale Ale

Baird Japan Tale Ale can bought online at the following places:

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