Myoko Dark Lager by Myoko Kogen Beer

Myoko Dark Lager is a 5% schwarzbier from Myoko Kogen Beer, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Myoko Dark Lager is brewed with four different kinds of malts being Pilsner, Caramel, Munchen, and Black.

Myoko Dark Lager 妙高ダークラガー

Myoko Dark Lager Aroma and Taste

Myoko Dark Lager poured out a pitch black colour with a slightly off-white tan head that faded fast. That head above was so brief that no sooner had I taken the picture then it had dissipated to a thin ring around the outside of the glass. There was a distinct acrid malt aroma to Myoko Dark Lager, with some hints of caramel sweetness but some phenolic notes came through. They grew stronger and stronger as the beer warmed up though.

Drinking Myoko Dark Lager should come with a warning – consume fresh from the fridge to avoid dodgy flavours. When it’s cold, the acrid black malts worked well against the sweetness. However, as it warmed up, the phenolic flavour began to get stronger and stronger. Myoko Dark Lager is drinkable but only if you’re left with nothing else in the house besides Asahi Super Dry or Abashiri Okhotsk Blue Ryuhyo Draft.

Myoko Dark Lager The Bottom Line

Either drink Myoko Dark Lager ice cold or give it a miss.

Where to Buy Myoko Dark Lager

Myoko Dark Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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