Home Beer Review Swan Lake IPA by Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery

Swan Lake IPA by Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery

by Rob

Swan Lake IPA is a 7% American IPA from Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition line up of beers that can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan, and at their taprooms, though its release date is unknown as I’ve come across it at various times throughout the year. Swan Lake IPA undergoes dry-hopping in the secondary fermentation stage too, with both Cascade and Centennial hops being used throughout brewing.

Swan Lake IPA

Not as light as your usual American IPA.

Swan Lake IPA Aroma and Taste

The first thing you’ll notice is how deep and hazy orange the body is – for a supposed American IPA, especially one that is not a double / imperial IPA, Swan Lake IPA appeared to be more English IPA based than American. The beer had great lacing, with the head halving in size though clinging to the side of the glass throughout drinking so much so, my wife could see how many gulps it took to finish it. It had some muted resiny pine notes along with some muted citrus notes that couldn’t quite take control over the caramel sweetness to it. There was also a slight aroma of passion fruit coming through as well.

As expected, Swan Lake IPA had a malt forward base to it, with the hops coming in second – and not even a close second either. Swan Lake IPA tasted more like a slight more resiny and citrusy English pale ale than anything resembling American-like. The caramel flavours came through when it was chilled and had warmed up, with the hop balance completely wrong. There was a meagre hint of bitterness to though nothing of the level expected from an IPA. It finished off with the resiny notes lingering longest on the tongue and the bitterness clinging on for dear life.

Swan Lake IPA The Bottom Line

After trying the Swan Lake #B-IPA, I was disappointed with Swan Lake IPA, thought that’s not to say it’s bad, but just not as good or exciting.

Where to Buy Swan Lake IPA

Swan Lake IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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