Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager by Miyashita Shuzo

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager is a 5% rice lager brewed by Miyashita Shuzo, based in Okayama, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup, though it seems it can be found throughout the year. It’s brewed using Omachi rice that has been polished until 60%, the kind of rice that is used in Ginjo sake. To bring out more of the rice qualities, Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager is fermented at a lower temperature than for the usual Doppo Lagers.  At the time of writing, we’ve only come across Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager in bottles.

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager

Rice lagers always gave me headaches, until this one.

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager Aroma and Taste

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager poured out a golden amber colour with a crystal clean white head on top. The head couldn’t have been more than one finger’s worth, and it quickly collapsed in on itself. It appeared to be slightly hazy too though I suspect that was from the condensation on the side of the glass rather than the beer itself. The unmistakeable sake / rice aroma was present from the get go, though it was combined with a sweet, biscuity aroma from the malts too. Neither aroma was overpowering nor unwelcoming. There was also a slight fruity aroma of peaches going on, but it was faint.

With the expectation of sake on the nose, it made drinking Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager far easier to review. The rice profile was definitely present from start to finish, along with a crisp hop bite at the end of each sip. The biscuit aroma was present in the body and was balanced well with the rice flavour. It all tasted quite fresh overall and left a soft gentle malt flavour in the aftertaste.

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager The Bottom Line

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager is a pleasant, drinkable beer that is worth trying if you see it. Much better than other rice lagers I’ve had.

Where to Buy Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager

Doppo Omachi Sake Rice Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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