Michinoku Fukushima Beer Information

Michinoku Fukushima BeerMichinoku Fukushima Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. The brewery was founded in November 2003, and is very much a family operation with the president, Shinji-san the head, and his sons being two of the brewers. Michinoku Fukushima Beer was one of the first craft beer breweries to focus on German style recipes after a trip around Europe in 1997 convince Shinji-san to focus on the area. Some of the beers also focus on using local ingredients from the area, such as peaches, pears, and apples.

Michinoku Fukushima Beer Lineup

The following are part of the all-year round lineup:

  • Fukushima Michinoku Pilsner – a 6% German style pilsner brewed using locally sourced from Yokotsuka.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Dunkel – a 5.5% dunkel style beer based on a traditional German recipe.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Weizen – a 5% German hefeweizen brewed with 50% wheat malt.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Red Ale – a 5% amber ale brewed.
  • Fukushima Michinoku My Beer – a 5% rice lager that is brewed using locally sourced hitomebore rice from Fukushima.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Rich Bitter – a 5.5% English bitter.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Peach Ale – a 5% fruit beer brewed with Fukushima peaches in the secondary fermentation stages.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Apple Lager – a 6% fruit beer brewed with Fukushima apples in the secondary fermentation stages.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager – a 5% fruit beer brewed as a lager with Fukushima peaches in the secondary fermentation stages.

Michinoku Fukushima Beer Limited Edition and Seasonal Lineup

The following are part of the all-year round lineup:

  • Fukushima Michinoku Natsuhaze Fruity Ale – a 5% using a special fruit that appears to be related to blueberries.
  • Fukushima Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release – a 5.5% English bitter that is a younger version of the regular Rich Bitter.
  • Fukushima Michinoku Ogontou no Rich Ale – an aged version of the Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager. Available in February onwards.
  • Fukushima Michinoku General Leclerc Lager – a 6% fruit beer that uses the Leclerc variety of pears.

Michinoku Fukushima Beer Details

Address: 3-182 Aza-Yokotsuka, Arai Fukushima, Japan 960-2156

Phone: 024-593-5859

Homepage (in Japanese): http://www.f-beer.com/

Online Store: http://f-beer.shop-pro.jp/

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