Apollo Company in Sakuragicho, Yokohama

Apollo Company One Paragraph Review

I wanted to like Apollo Company very much – it had a nice relaxed atmosphere and tasty food, but the beer sizes are too small for the price and there was way too much head on the beer too. The bar is also fully smoking so give up trying to enjoy the food and beers as well. There was also some table charge to pay as well and tax was not included in the price either. With Sakura Taps just down the road and Charcoal Green Yoshidamachi around the corner, try those places instead for beers and food.

Apollo Company Full Review

I’ve been to Apollo Company before – about seven years ago in 2009, yet I have no recollection of going there. Friends have pictures of me being there so I can only assume we’d been to some izakaya beforehand as very few craft beer places existed in Kannai at the time. Apollo Company is located on a side road just off the side of Yoshida bridge on the canal. It’s pretty easy to find and spot with its bright white doors standing out from the dreary shops that surround it.

Apollo Company advertises itself as “beer + wine = dining” though they do have food there as well otherwise the dining part would be a misnomer. Inside, there are about eight counter seats with two larger four-person tables by the windows and two smaller two-person tables situated on the right as you walk in. When we turned up at 6pm, it was dead quiet though within thirty minutes, the place had filled up with customers and smoke. Not really what I wanted and the owner joined in smoking away. Then the dreaded otoshi turned up which meant a table charge was coming on at the end of the evening.

Apollo Company Menu
Not the most expansive list of beers.
Yokohama Peated Black
Definitely an acquired taste.
Apollo Company Beer 2
Izu no Kuni Weizen

With that in mind, it was time for beers. Apollo Company has four beers on tap daily, though one of those is dedicated to Sapporo Edelpils – an actually nice macro beer. The beers come in two sizes: small (~200ml) from ¥700 and regular (~350ml) from ¥800. Neither of those prices included tax so be warned about that. I could have handled the price for the beer if it weren’t for the large amount of head being served and the taps being above smoking height. There was no English beer menu either so if you can’t read kanji then ask as the staff can help.

Apollo Company Food 1
The dreaded table charge food...
Apollo Company Food 2
Chips - bog standard - nothing special
Apollo Company Food 3
Two tiny tacos...

The food at Apollo Company is tasty – very tasty but the portion sizes are just too small for the price. The BeerTengoku staple food of chips came up and was quite large for the price but the tacos…well let’s just say we had finished our beers and were about to leave when they suddenly appeared on the table. And they were small…I mean look at the slice of jalopeño on top compared to the actual size of the taco! While it was tasty, I wish I hadn’t stayed for so long to get it.

Apollo Company Details

Open: Monday – Sunday 18:00 – 03:00

Phone: 045-261-8308

SNS: Facebook

How to Get to Apollo Company

Apollo Company is located between Hinodecho in the Keikyu line and Sakuragicho station on the JR Keihin Tohoku / Yokohama Line and also the Yokohama City Subway.

[ezcol_1half]From Keikyu Hinodecho station  [/ezcol_1half]

[ezcol_1half_end]From Sakuragicho station [/ezcol_1half_end]

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