Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke by Oh! La! Ho Beer

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke is a 5.5% saison from Oh! La! Ho Beer that is part of their limited edition release series of Biere de Raiden beers. It was first released in February 2016 under a secret category of beers but it was only at the Restaurant Oh! La! Ho that it came apparent this was a saison. If you hadn’t guessed from the name, it is also a homage to the late David Bowie who passed away in January and his picture is emblazoned on the menu at the restaurant.

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke
What's your favourite Bowie song? Let us know.
Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke Draft
Grassy and too fresh on draft.

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke Aroma and Taste

The first time I had Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke Aroma and Taste was at the brewery and it was too grassy and young to really be enjoyed. It had a strong yeast kick to it in the aftertaste and didn’t have the refreshing saison crispness to it. It was soon after that the waiter came over to tell us that the beer had run out so in fact I had ended up with the dregs of the keg, which seemed a tad unfair to review really. Luckily, the shop next door had plenty of cans in stock so there was going to be another chance to try it. And I’m glad I did.

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke poured out a light golden colour with a thin white head on top that was present throughout drinking. The aroma coming off of it was a slightly phenolic yeast aroma with some crisp citrus bitterness too. The grassy hop aroma wasn’t present in the canned version which led me to think that the draft version had not been aged for long enough.

The body though was a tad thin for a saison and had a slight washing-up liquid flavour and texture to it – a little lemony and a tad soapy on the palate as well. Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke had a faint hop bitterness to it in the initial drinking that dissipated as it warmed up. The aftertaste finished with hints of fruit but faded too quickly to recognise.

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke One Review

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke lacks innovation or something spectacular, unlike David Bowie.

Where to Buy Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke

Oh! La! Ho Biere de Raiden Saison du Duke can be bought at the following places:

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