Hansharo Mikado by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Mikado is a 9.5% Russian imperial stout from Hansharo that is part of their winter lineup of beers. It is first released November 2015 and is brewed using Phoenix, Admiral, and Bramling Cross hops to produce a beer with an IBU of 65 units. It is unknown whether Hansharo Mikado will see a bottled release; however, it can be found on taps in craft beer bars across Japan.

Hansharo Mikado

Velvety goodness.

Hansharo Mikado Aroma and Taste

I wasn’t in the best of moods when I first drank Hansharo Mikado as I was having a bad day at SMITH in Harajuku – not because of the beer but because of the atmosphere and the lack of decent service. It was quickly ordered though I ended up with a small and not a regular size beer. Perhaps for the best as at 9.5%, it packed a punch.

It had a pleasant aroma of roasted coffee and chocolate with a fair lashing of cream in there – if anything, it smelt like a hot chocolate that had been injected with coffee. Hansharo Mikado had a dark brown, almost pitch black colour with the merest of tan heads as well but it didn’t last long before disappearing to a thin oily ring around the edge.

As mentioned, Hansharo Mikado had an abv of 9.5% though you wouldn’t have guessed it from drinking. It started off a bit too cold for my liking, who really likes drinking ice cold hot chocolate, which muted all the flavours. When it had warmed up, the booziness came through strong as well as a creamy chocolate-like though, surprisingly, it wasn’t heavy not cloying. There was also some hints of fruits of raisins and berries but nothing too strong.

Hansharo Mikado One Line Review

Hansharo Mikado is a really nice Russian imperial stout that went down well but the booziness could be off-putting for some.

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