Swan Lake White Swan Weizen by Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen, besides having a weird name, is a 5% German hefeweizen style beer from Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery in Niigata, Japan. Unlike the majority of the Swan Lake Beer range, Swan Lake White Swan Weizen is neither listed as award-winning on the brewery homepage nor is there much information about it either. I’ve seen it on tap at various places across Japan though it appears mostly in bottled form.

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen

Very clear – more a krystalweizen?

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen Aroma and Taste

Weizens, behind pilsners, are perhaps the second most popular style of beer in Japan; however, the difference between a hefeweizen and krystallweizen seems to be poorly understood, if at all, and never has it been so evident with Swan Lake White Swan Weizen. It poured out a very very very light hazy golden colour that could have been misconstrued for a pilsner if the bottle hadn’t been present. Though it had a fairly voluminous head, the aroma was much fainter than I would have liked – the bananas, spices, and faint trace of wheat were present but perhaps a sniffer dog would have had better luck in picking up the aromas.

It’s a disappointment that continues through to drinking Swan Lake White Swan Weizen as well. The classic weizen profile is present, but yet again, the faintness of the flavours meant that I drank it slowly to let it warm up. Even when it had warmed up, the flavours still remained faint and delicate, but they were there. Just. Some spiced bananas with the merest hint of wheat along with cloves. If there was an aftertaste, then it must have been lost as I failed to pick up anything more than a twinge of bitterness. Or that could have been my salty tears as I came to terms with how much I had spent on this.

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen One Line Review

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen is a poor attempt at a weizen and should be avoided unless you like splurging money for no reason.

Where to Buy Swan Lake White Swan Weizen

Swan Lake White Swan Weizen can be bought from the Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery online store here. It can also be bought online at:

It has also been noted at stores such as:

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