Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA by Ise Kadoya

This may be a Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA but it certainly does not pack your usual triple IPA punch of alcohol as it comes in at 6% but it is an IPA for sure. It is brewed with three different hops, hence the name, which include Simcoe, Citra, and Amarillo thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, it is a limited edition beer produced during summer and available from September onwards. When we bought our bottle, we were recommended to let it settle and mature for a short time. Well, that time has come.

Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA

Brewed with three different hops, not three times the amount of hops thankfully.

Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA Aroma and Taste

Whenever I see the phrase “double IPA” also known as “W-IPA” or “triple IPA”, alarm bells go ringing as I prepare my taste buds for a full on assault with their survival dependent on being able to handle the dry, hoppy, citrus, bitterness that is eagerly awaiting to invade. So when Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA came along, I prepared myself for the worst. Prepared and ready to not enjoy food or any other beer for the next two weeks or so.

But Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA wasn’t like that. There was an initial explosion of aromas that came through, with a strong smell of wet cardboard, is that even a smell?! Besides that random smell, cedar and citrus notes came wafting through too along with some grassy aromas too. The body of Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA was a nice deep brown, tan-like colour with fairly minimal head to it though enough to cover the top.

Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA had a concoction of tastes going on as well in the body. With three different kinds of hops going on, it was always going to be hard to discern what each hop brings to the beer but the overall distinctness of simcoe, with the cedar, and citra, bringing citrus, and floral notes from the amarillo meant each hop was balanced quite well. The dry, bitter finish rounded of Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA well and my taste buds had survived for another day.

Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA One Line Review

Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA is a well-balanced IPA where the name doesn’t do the beer justice. When it’s out again, buy it.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA

We bought our bottle of Ise Kadoya Triple Hop IPA from the Keyaki Hiroba Festival in September. Ise Kadoya do list it on their homepage here.

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Jesse Cadd September 1, 2015 - 10:49 am

“wet cardboard” taste/smell is usually an indication of oxidation, not something desirable in a beer.

Rob September 1, 2015 - 6:18 pm

Definitely. Was a weird flavour that was not welcome. The cap was sealed and it was within its shelf-life.


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