Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale by Baird Beer

Life! So joyous! So wow! BAird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale by Baird Beer is a statement of declaration. No longer must you celebrate life alone, now you can celebrate it with style with beer, with craft beer for crying out loud! Joie de Vivre Golden Ale is part of Baird Beer’s seasonal beers, which is usually found on tap from 8th July, or else in bottled form throughout the year, stocks pending.

Joie de vivre golden ale

Celebrate all that is great, with craft beer.

Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale Aroma and Taste

Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale pours out a very hazy golden straw colour with a frothy off-white golden head. The aroma coming off the beer reminds me of other Belgian beers. It veers towards the hoppy side and the citrus aroma that emanates from the beer reminds me of pears.

The body of Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale is thicker than expected with a spicey kick to it. Not one that is going to get your puckering up your lips but it is noticeable and really makes this beer hard to pigeon hole, as craft beer drinkers tend to do. Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale does have a nice citrus edge to it, paired with the aforementioned Belgian edge to it. It finishes off with a slight twang of bitterness.  Is it a golden ale? Is it a Belgian? Heck, I’ll be damned if I know.

BairdJoie de Vivre Golden Ale One-line Review.

Barid Joie de Vivre Golden Ale is a difficult beer; it’s a complex beer with a lot going on and not suited to everyone.

Where to Buy Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale

Baird Joie de Vivre Golden Ale is a seasonal beer and can be bought from the beginning of July. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. BeerTengoku managed to source a bottle of Joie de Vivre Golden ale from here.

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