Sankt Gallen Pineapple Ale by Sankt Gallen

So if something smells like a beer and tastes like a beer, then it must be a beer? By that same reckoning, Sankt Gallen’s Pineapple ale definitely smells like pineapple, and tastes like pineapple; however, that’s where the rule fails as it is most definitely a beer. This is another edition to their summer fruits beer, along with their Shonan Gold, reviewed here.

Sankt Gallen Pineapple Ale

How many pineapples can you fit into a glass? This many..

Sankt Gallen Pineapple Ale Aroma and Taste

Pineapple Ale pours extremely well, with a small head and with a nice caramel tan body. Aroma wise, it smells like pineapple. There is no other description that would do it justice than that. There is a slight hoppiness to it when you get your nose in there, but watch out for that pineapple head.

Taste, do I really need to describe the taste? OK. It tastes like someone has injected a pineapple with ale and left it to ferment. The overwhelming taste is pineapple, followed by the hops of the ale, that are far more subtle than the pineapple punch. The pineapple taste is quite pleasant and not so sweet. The aftertaste leans towards the hops, rather than the pineapple, which was a nice change.

Sankt Gallen Pineapple Ale One-line review

A well balanced fruit ale worth drinking if you manage to find it.

Where to buy Sankt Gallen Pineapple Ale

Pineapple Ale can be bought online at:

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