Rio Brewing & Company Information

Rio Brewing & Company is a Japanese microbrewery located in Kashiwa, in Chiba. The brewery was established in 2021 after having their beers brewed in Belgium for a significant period of time, and now all of their beers are brewed at this location in Chiba. The name comes from the supposedly inability of Europeans being able to pronounce the owners name, and as such, he wanted brewers in Belgium to remember him, and I wanted to import, so he called himself ‘Rio’.

The company itself has its roots back in 2005 when they began importing beers from Belgium, which continued with their expansion into importing beer from the USA in 2014. The brewery in Chiba uses Belgian malt for all of their beers and is heavily influenced by the styles of beer found there.

Rio Brewing & Company : Lineup

The following are some of the beers we’ve had:

Rio Brewing & Company : Information

Rio Brewing & Company : Location

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