Coedo Kiosk in Kawagoe, Saitama

If you end up going to the Coedo Restaurant in Kawagoe, and want some takeaway beers, then you can’t get any in the restaurant I’m afraid. Which was kind of a disappointment really as I wanted some of the Strawberry Wheat Ale to takeaway and I knew a plastic cup on a train home with bike in hand was not a good idea. The staff though pointed out that there was a bottle shop next door, called Coedo Kiosk, that had beers to takeaway.

Without wanting to write too much, as the pictures themselves explain pretty much what Coedo Kiosk is about, there are plenty of options for beers to takeaway, either in cans, bottles, or growlers at pretty good prices. It’s also a great chance for some limited edition beers that can’t be found elsewhere. I ended up getting a kabocha – pumpkin – pastry stout and the strawberry wheat ale that is only available here and at the Coedo Restaurant.

Coedo Kiosk : Details

Coedo Kiosk: Location

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