Arch Imperial Stout by Arch Brewery

Arch Imperial Stout is an 8% imperial stout from Arch Brewery, based in Iwaguni, in Yamaguchi, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap at a limited number of place in Japan.

Arch Imperial Stout・アーチインペリアル・スタウトArch Imperial Stout Aroma and Taste

Arch Imperial Stout poured out a viscous black colour with a large amount of frothy off-white tan coloured head that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. Unlike some of the other beers we’ve had from Arch Brewery, Arch Imperial Stout had a rich coffee, chocolate, and toffee nose to it, with seemingly no weird off-flavours. And believe me, I tried looking for them. I waited for a good 20 minutes for this bottle to warm up but it smelt like how an imperial stout should smell like, with only the faintest amount of alcohol heat coming off the beer. Even the expected black malt nose seemed well-rounded and balanced.

The body was as thick and viscous as the image looks – with some well-balanced flavours going on too. The coffee and chocolate were bold, but not brash, with the toffee flavour coming along too once Arch Imperial Stout had really warmed up. The thick body supported the flavours nicely and was warming to boot. The lingering dark flavours stuck through into the aftertaste with just the faintest amount of alcohol heat coming off too.

Arch Imperial Stout The Bottom Line

Arch Imperial Stout is a solid, but basic, imperial stout.

Where to Buy Arch Imperial Stout

Arch Imperial Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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