Mimasaka Hop Virus by Mimasaka Beer Works

Mimasaka Hop Virus is a 7% American IPA from Mimasaka Beer Works, based in Maniwa, in Okayama, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition series and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s brewed using Mosaic hops and contains shiitake mushrooms with the aim of upping the umami of the beer.

Mimasaka Hop Virus・美作 ビア ワークス ホップ ウイルス アイ ピー エ

Mimasaka Hop Virus Aroma and Taste

Mimasaka Hop Virus poured out a dark orange brown colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. The body was a bit darker than expected for an American IPA to be honest – I was expecting something much lighter in colour, but Mimasaka Hop Virus was bottle conditioned so that could have led to the darker colour in the body. However, the aroma coming off Mimasaka Hop Virus was all hops – lots of fruity mango and pineapple with a hint of citrus too going on. Even though I knew there were shiitake mushrooms added to the beer, my nose really couldn’t pick anything up from them – perhaps I had deliberately removed the knowledge of mushrooms being in the beer during drinking.

Though the body was darker than expected, there was only a slight pilsner and caramel flavour to Mimasaka Hop Virus. The main flavour coming off of Mimasaka Hop Virus was the mango and pineapple with just a faint hint of citrus also coming along for the ride. Once Mimasaka Hop Virus had warmed up though, there was a faint butteriness to the beer – not enough to put you off from drinking it, but enough for the taste buds to take note and wonder what’s going on; though the tropical flavours did a good job in trying to wash it away.

Mimasaka Hop Virus The Bottom Line

Mimasaka Hop Virus is perhaps more of a tropical take on an English IPA than an actual American IPA.

Where to Buy Mimasaka Hop Virus

Mimasaka Hop Virus can be bought online at the following places:

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