Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale by Nippon Beer Jozo

Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale is 4.5% American Pale Ale made by Nippin Beer Jozo, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round lineup and can be found in bottles, and on occasion, on tap in some places in Japan. At the time of writing, it’s unknown what malt or hops went into making Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka.

Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka・サムライサーファービール静岡の手造りビールSamurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Without much to go on for Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale – even the homepage was a confusing mess about this beer – the beer was poured into the random catch all glass in the hope of being something that would suit it. It was only much later – well only when I started writing this review, that I found out about what this beer was supposed to be.

Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale poured out a hazy golden, straw colour with a tiny amount of white head on top that dissipated quickly to leave a thin ring of white bubbles around the side of the glass. In terms of aroma, it was pretty lacklustre. I was hoping for a bold citrusy nose, but ended up with a limp oxidised cardboard like aroma with hints of butter – something noone wants in their beer unless it’s supposed to be in there. And in a supposed American Pale Ale, noone wants that.

The taste was just as bad as the nose – I was even warned before drinking that this beer would be bad. But I soldiered on in the name of beer reviews. But I just couldn’t bring myself to drink more than a 1/3 of it – the oxidised buttery flavours were not at all welcome and Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale joined the BeerTengoku Drain Club.

Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale The Bottom Line

If you’re read this far, then you can guess what I think of this beer. If you haven’t, then avoid it.

Where to Buy Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale

Samurai Surfer Handmade in Shizuoka Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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