Samurai Surfer Red by Nippon Beer Company

Samurai Surfer Red is a 6% Irish red ale from Nippon Beer Company, based in Numazu, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Compared to their lager, Samurai Surfer Red uses 1.5 times more raw malt than usual, and it blended with 7 types of malt, including 3 types of hops, including Pilsner.

Samurai Surfer Red・サムライサーファービールレッド

Samurai Surfer Red Aroma and Taste

Um, another bottle bomb here at BeerTengoku Towers, and this one exploded out like rocket! Sticky frothy head everywhere on the kitchen counter. A sickly sweet caramel and buttery aroma emanated from that same sticky mess that now laid on the counter and the beer that remained in the glass became even less enticing to drink.

The body was more of the same – sickly sweet, caramel bomb with your favourite diacetyl buttery body too. Nothing really else to note besides this beer being just an appaling example of what a red ale should be. I guess there is one redeeming quality about Samurai Surfer Red – the label.

Samurai Surfer Red The Bottom Line

If you like beers that are sickly sweet and full of butter, then go for Samurai Surfer Red.

Where to Buy Samurai Surfer Red

Samurai Surfer Red can be bought online at the following places:

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