Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale is a 6% American pale ale from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round lineup and can be found in cans and on draft across Japan. Like the other beers in the “sky pale ale” range, Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale uses the same base but the hops have been changed up with this one using Citra, in addition to the Mosaic that is used in the Y Market Purple Sky Pale Ale.

Y Market Another Sky Pale Ale・ワイマーケットアナザースカイペールエール

Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale poured out a slightly hazy golden orange yellow colour with a medium amount of frothy white head on top. The head did fade fast, but not before it left some streaky white marks down the edge of the glass. Like the Y Market Purple Sky Pale Ale, Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale had a distinctive pineapple and mango nose to it, but the lemon and grapefruit aromas were more potent in this beer. The malts added a slight pilsner sweetness to the beer too.

The initial bitterness to Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale faded fast, to leave a punch of tropical fruits, along with some astringent lemon and grapefruit flavours too. They weren’t face turningly powerful, but it was a big contrast to the expectations I had for the beer. The lingering hop pineapple and mango flavours brought some respite to that astringency, before leaving a sticky fruitiness to Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale.

Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale The Bottom Line

I liked Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale, but prefer the non-Citra version.

Where to Buy Y Yellow Sky Pale Ale

Y Market Yellow Sky Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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Oliver April 22, 2020 - 7:14 pm

This is a very hoppy and fruity beer. No fruits beer at all, not sweet. For my taste, the grapefruit aftertaste was the strongest. A very nice beer. The design of the can has been upgraded, it is not a simple can with a sticker anymore, but a can that has been properly printed an all of its surface.

Oliver April 23, 2020 - 5:39 pm

I have to correct myself, it is not grapefruit, but yuzu. “Yuzu Pale Ale” is written in small font in English above the “Yellow Sky Pale Ale” lettering. Yuzu peel is also included in the list of ingredients.


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