Myoko Kogen Session IPA by Myoko Kogen Beer

Myoko Kogen Session IPA is a 5% session IPA from Myoko Kogen Beer, based in Myoko Kogen, in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap when on sale. And that’s all we could find out about Myoko Kogen Session IPA – not even their website has information about it.

Myoko Kogen Session IPA 妙高高原セッションIPA

Myoko Kogen Session IPA Aroma and Taste

Myoko Kogen Session IPA poured out a slight hazy orange colour with a plump white head on top – and that’s about as good as its gets for this beer. At 5%, Myoko Kogen Session IPA is at the higher end of the “session” scale yet the hops just didn’t seem to make any punch that I expect from a session IPA. Faint hints of lemon and citrus came through the slight caramel sweetness of the beer. And there was the dreaded buttery nose from Myoko Kogen Session IPA too.

Myoko Kogen Session IPA did have an edge of bitterness to it but everything felt insipid really – the hops lacked punch, the malt flavour felt muted, and the bitterness faded too fast to really register much on the palate. The dreaded butteriness came through even when Myoko Kogen Session IPA was cold, which made it worse when it had warmed up. Myoko Kogen Session IPA didn’t quite join the drain club – but it came close.

Myoko Kogen Session IPA The Bottom Line

Myoko Kogen Session IPA felt like a gimmicky beer – made as a rush to join the session craze that passed by a bit too long ago.

Where to Buy Myoko Kogen Session IPA

Myoko Kogen Session IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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