Daisen G Session Yagou by Kumezakura Shuzo

Daisen G Session Yagou is a 5.5% American pale ale from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Kumezakura Shuzo have taken their Yago beer and reigned in the alcohol for this one. It’s brewed using locally sourced rice from Japan with the Yamadashiki strain being heavilty utilised during brewing.

Daisen G Session Yagou・大山Gセッション八郷

Daisen G Session Yagou Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Session Yagou came out a light orange-yellow colour with a fluffy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. The beer had some haziness to it, but nothing like a NE-IPA – perhaps this beer was just chilled a bit too much. The sake-like nose to Daisen G Session Yagou was the most noticeable aroma off Daisen G Session Yagou, but there was some hints of American hops – with a subtle grapefruit and passion fruit nose to it. Not strong enough to detract from the rice-like nature but enough to bring something different, along with a faint, but present, peppery nose to the beer too.

The same aromas were present in the flavour with the rice / sake flavours being the boldest, followed up with a slight tartness to it. Not in a sour or off flavour way, but enough to make you take notice and think about the flavours. Daisen G Session Yagou also had a crisp, dry body to it that made it also very easy drinking, but be warned, this is not a session beer in taste, only by name. The 5.5% did kick but to be honest, I had forgotten about it during drinking. The lingering sake and grapefruit flavours paired off nicely and I immediately cracked open a second.

Daisen G Session Yagou The Bottom Line

Citrus and sake flavours go well, and with Daisen G Session Yagou, that’s just even more evident.

Where to Buy Daisen G Session Yagou

Daisen G Session Yagou can be bought online at the following places:

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