Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA by Far Yeast Brewing

Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA is a 5% golden ale / IPA hybrid from Far Yeast Brewing, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA is brewed using Nelson Sauvin and Halletau hops.

Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA・ファーイーストホップ香る 東京ブロンド IGA

Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA Aroma and Taste

Having Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA sat in the fridge for a while, I knew I had to get around to drinking it sometime. I’m not a huge fan of hybrid styles as I find them to be something that is tacked onto a beer that is often neither. Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA poured out looking like neither a blonde ale nor an IPA – a dark murky orange colour with a slight frothy white head on top. The aroma coming off Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA was of a slight white wine one, with hints of lemon, but a big homebrew-sour nose to it. I don’t know if that was deliberate or not, but it wasn’t pleasant. The bottle was well within it’s best before date too.

The homebrew-like qualities continued into the body with the same sour-like flavour permeating through the white wine flavours. There was a hint of lemon and grapefruit too in the body, along with a subtle biscuit malt flavour but it was the sourness that just pushed the other flavours into the background.

Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA The Bottom Line

Maybe this was an off bottle, but I didn’t enjoy Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA at all.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA

Far Yeast Tokyo Blonde IGA can be bought online at the following places:

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