Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner by Yatsugatake Brewery

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner is a 5% Japanese pilsner from Yatsugatake Brewery, based in Hokuto, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, with Yatsugatake Brewery being brewed with Hop Farm Kobayashi. Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner is brewed using 100% locally grown hops in the form of Shinshuwase, Stirling, and Hallertau hops.

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner・八ヶ岳ブルワリー ホクト ジャパ二ーズ ピルスナー

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner poured out a light yellow straw colour with a fluffy white head on top – both of which were the best things about this beer. The aroma coming off the beer was buttery and had some noble hop like aroma to it, but the damp cardboard aromas, combined with the aforementioned butter nose was not really the most appealing of aromas. Those aromas only got stronger as the beer warmed up.

The body started off with the buttery diacetyl flavour coming through the wet cardboard flavours too. There was no bitterness to Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner either; however, the body was crisp and dry like your typical rice-based pilsner. Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner finished off with some lingering butteriness and just a little bit of sweet pilsner malt coming through too.

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner The Bottom Line

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner tastes like someone was trying to make a homebrew version of Kirin Ichiban.

Where to Buy Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner

Yatsugatake Hokuto Japanese Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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