Y Market Craft Heart Red by Y Market Brewing

by Rob

Y Market Craft Heart Red is a 6% American Red Ale from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. Y Market Craft Heart Red is part of both their can lineup and their draft lineup. Y Market Craft Heart Red is brewed with imported American Horizon, Simcoe, and Citra hops.

Y Market Craft Heart Red・Yマーケットクラフトハート レッド

Y Market Craft Heart Red Aroma and Taste

Y Market Craft Heart Red poured out a deep reddish brown colour with a slightly tan / off-white head to it that started out fluffy, but then faded to a much thinner ring of bubbles on top. Y Market Craft Heart Red had a sweet, caramel pungency to it that hid a piney, citrusy nose just waiting to burst out. Passion fruit, pineapple, melons, and grapefruit came rushing through once it had been given the chance to warm up – completely blindsiding me with the aromas.

The body to Y Market Craft Heart Red had some initial bitterness; however, unlike the hoppy aroma, it was neither bold nor brash – just enough to perk your head up before segueing into the malts. A smooth caramel and biscuit body was present throughout, with tropical fruits merging delightfully with them. The fruity and sweet nature of the beer belied its hoppy amber heritage, though it was there. Y Market Craft Heart Red finished off with a lingering fruity caramel malty flavour.

Y Market Craft Heart Red The Bottom Line

I liked Y Market Craft Heart Red a lot – so much so that I bought a couple more cans of it. A nice twist on a classic style of American brewing history.

Where to Buy Y Market Craft Heart Red

Y Market Craft Heart Red can be bought online at the following places:

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