Hideji Taiyo Lager by Hideji Beer Brewery

by Rob

Hideji Taiyo Lager is a 5% German pilsner from Hideji Beer Brewery, based in Miyazaki, Kyushu. It was once part of their seasonal range but joined their all-year round up in 2015. The name comes from the act of staring over the Miyazaki sea with a pilsner in hand over a clear day – well, that is what is hinted at. At the time of writing, Hideji Taiyo Lager can be found in both bottles and on tap.

Hideji Taiyo Lager ひでじ太陽のラガーHideji Taiyo Lager Aroma and Taste

The first thing you notice with Hideji Taiyo Lager when it pours out is that it is darker than your usual pilsner – so much so that you might think it’s infected or gone off. Stop! Don’t touch – it’s supposed to look like that. I almost made the mistake of pouring it away but checked the date of the bottle and found it to be well inside its best before date. It looked a murky dark golden colour with a thin amount of frothy white head on top that didn’t last as long as your commercial pilsner would. The aroma though was a simple malt forward caramel punch with just a tad of noble hop aroma coming through in the end.

Hideji Taiyo Lager’s body was far nice than the aroma – a crisp bite of the hops that was followed by a soothing sweetness of the malts that was neither overpowering or overly sweet. There was a slight edge of bitterness to the aftertaste until the an edge of bread-like flavour came through to wash it away. When chilled, Hideji Taiyo Lager was incredibly easy drinking and perfect for drinking while seating on the wave breakers on the beach.

Hideji Taiyo Lager The Bottom Line

Hideji Taiyo Lager is a decent pilsner and worth picking up if you come across it.

Where to Buy Hideji Taiyo Lager

Hideji Taiyo Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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