Home » Ji-Beer Hida Information

Ji-Beer Hida Information

by BeerTengoku Writer

Ji-Beer Hida is a microbrewery located in Takayama, in Gifu, Japan. The brewery has been in operation since 1996, though since opening, they’ve been quite quiet in the craft beer scene in Japan, and it used to be sold under the brand name “Kosho Konokuni”. The brewery uses local water from Hida for brewing and they follow the traditional idea of only using wheat, hops, and yeast. Ji-Beer Hida started out with a kölsch and an alt, though soon expanded to other styles.

Ji-Beer Hida Main Lineup

The following are part of Ji-Beer Hida’s all year round lineup.

  • Hida Alt – A 5% alt beer brewed to a traditional Dusseldorf recipe.
  • Hida Kolsch – A 5% kolsch beer brewed using imported German Hallertau and Czech Saaz hops.
  • Hida Ringo Lala – A 4.5% fruit beer brewed using the juice of apples and wheat sourced from the Hidatakayama area, as well as additional vitamin C.
  • Hida Yuzu Lala – A 4.5% fruit beer brewed using yuzu, also known as Japanese citron, from Kaminoho, a village found in Gifu.
  • Hida White – A 5% witbier brewed using rice from the surrounding rice fields. It’s also known as Shirakawago Beer.
  • Hida Black – A 5.5% schwarz brewed using corn from the local area.

Ji-Beer Hida Details

Address: 3-773-2 Nishinoisshikimachi, Takayama-shi, Gifu-ken 506-0031

Phone: 0577-36-3434

Homepage: https://hidabeer.com/

Online Store: https://hidabeer.com/?mode=cate&cbid=865055&csid=0

Social Media: Facebook

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