Matsumoto Castle Stout by Matsumoto Brewery

Matsumoto Castle Stout is a 6.5% stout from Matsumoto Brewery, based in Matsumoto, in Nagano, Tokyo. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Matsumoto Castle Stout takes its name, and colour, from Matsumoto castle, which has stood in the area over 400 years.

Matsumoto Castle Stout ・松本キャッスルスタウト

Matsumoto Castle Stout Aroma and Taste

Matsumoto Castle Stout poured out a pitch black colour with a tan head that faded faster than I could take the picture. Seriosuly, there really was a head on the beer but once I had poured it, I had to grab my phone and boom, gone to leave some bubbles around the edge. Matsumoto Castle Stout had a rich roasted barley nose to it, with some hints of chocolate and coffee going on. There was also a slight nutty, creamy aroma going on, but nothing from the hops – it’s all malt!

The initial sip of Matsumoto Castle Stout was smooth, and that carried on throughout drinking. The chocolate and roasted coffee flavours were well balanced, though a slight acrid black malt did come through during drinking. It’s not enough to put someone off but it’s sitting there – waiting. The body was much thicker than the 6.5% alcohol needed – but this beer has been aged for a few months before drinking. Matsumoto Castle Stout finished off with a nutty creamy flavour that lingered.

Matsumoto Castle Stout The Bottom Line

At 6.5%, Matsumoto Castle Stout comes in at the high end of a stout, but is a nice little beer.

Where to Buy Matsumoto Castle Stout

Matsumoto Castle Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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