Home Beer Review TDM British Best Bitter by TDM 1874

TDM British Best Bitter by TDM 1874

by Rob

TDM British Best Bitter, also known as TDM B.B.B, is a 4.5% bitter from TDM 1874, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in cans and on tap across the Kanto region, and in some places outside of the area. It’s got an IBU of 29 but that’s all we could find out about it.

TDM 1874 British Best Bitter・TDM 1874 ブリティッシュ・ベスト・ビッター

TDM British Best Bitter Aroma and Taste

TDM British Best Bitter poured out a deep copper red colour with no discernible haze to it, despite what appears on the side of the glass. It had a roasted malt and caramel aroma to it, with just a smattering of earthy hop aroma coming along. The malt aromas came through a bit stronger once TDM British Best Bitter had warmed up so best let it do that before drinking.

Bitters aren’t a popular style in Japan – don’t know why as they are perfect for session beers and also a good stepping stone for people looking to get into pale ales and IPAs. TDM British Best Bitter started off with a smooth bitterness to it that wasn’t overly pronounced but it was noticeable. The caramel and roasted malts came through second, with some hints of sweetness and earthy hop flavour just taking the edge off of the bitterness. The malt flavours lingered right through until the end, leaving a slight nutty raisin flavour behind.


TDM British Best Bitter The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to try a British bitter, TDM British Best Bitter is a great example and worth finding. Three stars!

Where to Buy TDM British Best Bitter

TDM British Best Bitter can be bought online at:

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chuwyboy April 4, 2019 - 12:24 pm

Did you get any complexity from the hop flavor?

Rob April 4, 2019 - 3:13 pm

Nope, none at all.
But the complex malts were nice. 😀


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