Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA is a 7% Belgian IPA from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal line-up, and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. If the name wasn’t a giveaway, Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA is named after the small ball toys that kids play with in Japan traditionally made from old kimonos. When given to people, these balls represent friendship and loyalty between people – though what that has got to do with a beer is beyond me.

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA反射炉手毬遊びIPAHansharo Temari Asobi IPA反射炉手毬遊びIPA

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA poured out a hazy orange colour with fluffy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. There was a distinct piney citrus nose to the beer, along with a slighty fruity / phenolic funk coming off the yeast. There was little malt aroma to Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA – maybe some slight roasted biscuit nose coming through, but it wasn’t as strong as the other aromas coming through.

The first sip of Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA was more yeasty than your typical American or English IPA, but don’t worry. Those looking for IPA bitterness will find it in Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA but just a bit later than usual. The phenolic yeast flavours, combined with the piney lemon bitterness, paired off nicely with one another, though the flavours were not as bold as I would have liked from an IPA. The fruity yeasty flavours lasted right through until the end, but it made Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA a little one-dimensional in the end.

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA The Bottom Line

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA started off nicely, but it could have done with some more evolving of the flavours rather than just relying on the yeast.

Where to Buy Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA

Hansharo Temari Asobi IPA can be bought online at the following:

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