Home Beer Review Songbird Moderne Wild by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Moderne Wild by Brewery Songbird

by Rob
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Songbird Moderne Wild is an 8.5% Belgian tripel from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their winter lineup and can be found in primarily bottles – we’ve not seen anything about it coming out on tap. Songbird Moderne Wild takes the Songbird Moderne and uses the same wild yeast that Songbird used in the Koumi Blonde ale.

Songbird Moderne Wild・ソングバード ビール モデルネ ワイルド

Songbird Moderne Wild Aroma and Taste

Songbird Moderne Wild poured out in a very lively manner – no more than 1/3 of the bottle was in the glass before it shot up and filled the glass with a massive frothy head made up of huge bubbles. In all honesty, Songbird Moderne Wild didn’t look too dissimilar to the original one I had back in 2016; however, it was in the aroma that it was different. A much lighter, crisper fruitier funk came through than in the normal version – down to the different yeast. The original version was a thick, boozy caramel aroma; however, this one was much lighter on the nose – there was no way that this could have been 8.5% just from the nose alone. The fruits were also softer on the nose too, almost as if the yeast had softened a lot of the punch out.

The carbonation though was crazy – a very gassy beer indeed! It took a while for all the beer to settle down and it was only when I got to the dregs of the beer that I had noticed the huge clumps of yeast in the bottle – be careful when you pour Songbird Moderne Wild out. However, by that point, the booze had done its job! It’s a very subtle booziness that Songbird Moderne Wild has but it’s smooth and fruity flavours were balanced with a faint honey and sour edge to it. It didn’t taste like a tripel beer at all – far less sweeter than I normally go for.


Songbird Moderne Wild The Bottom Line

Songbird Moderne Wild is a good example of how yeast can do so much to a beer. Buy and compare with the original.

Where to Buy Songbird Moderne Wild

Songbird Moderne Wild can be bought online at the following places:

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