Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter is a 6% ESB from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s named after Hojyo Shinkumu, who built a mountain castle in the area centered around Ryusikuyama which became an important hub of domination of Izu over five generations. So after a war-monger then.

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter 反射炉龍城ストロングビターHansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter 反射炉龍城ストロングビター 2

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter poured out a dark orange red colour with a minimal amount of white head on top. What head there was faded fast, leaving a couple of random bubbles around the side of the glass. Like most ESBs, Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter had a strong malt presence with a hint of butteriness to it – something that is allowed in the tasting guidelines but still a little weird. There was a bare minimum of earthy hoppiness to it but only once Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter had warmed up.

The body was just like the nose but with more caramel flavour added and a slight bitterness to it – nothing mind blowing, but enough to get your tongue awake. Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter tasted like a souped up version of a regular bitter – extra malt, some faint extra hops producing a slightly bigger earthy hop flavour. There wasn’t much life to Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter – heck I thought at first that the cap had leaked but don’t worry, ESBs are generally carbed on the low side. It finished off with a lingering caramel bitterness that just sat in the background.

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter The Bottom Line

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter is a decent take on a style of beer that I miss in Japan – it’s not mind blowing but it is a welcome change.

Where to Buy Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter

Hansharo Ryūjō Strong Bitter can be bought online at the following places:

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