Kotan Porter by Hop Kotan Brewing

Kotan Porter is 4.8% brown porter from Hop Kotan Brewing, based in Sorachi, in Hokkaido, Japan. It’s part of their draft only range, and was first released in August 2018. Not much is known about the ingredients though as there is a distinct lack of information about it.

Kotan Porter 枯淡ポーター

Kotan Porter Aroma and Taste

Kotan Porter came up a reddish brown colour with a faint amount of slightly off-white head on top. The initial aroma of light biscuit malt was permeated with some roasted malts which smelt something like burnt sugar. The hops brought a slight earthy aroma to the beer but faded fast from the beer.

The body followed the nose quite closely, with a biscuit and roasted malt flavour coming through on a reasonably light body. None of the flavours were bold nor aggressive, meaning Kotan Porter was easily drinkable. The mellow body would be perfect for someone getting into craft beer as well. Kotan Porter left a lingering roasted malt profile on the tongue that lacked the typical aggressive black malt flavour porters often have.

Kotan Porter The Bottom Line

Kotan Porter is a nice little introduction into porters – it won’t set your taste buds alight, but it is a solid well-made beer.

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