AJB IBU Nai by Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company

AJB IBU Nai is a 5.4% American Pale Ale from Anglo Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. The name “IBU Nai” comes from the fact that no bittering hops were used in the making of the beer. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether AJB IBU Nai is a one-off or will be sold again in the future.


AJB IBU Nai Aroma and Taste

AJB IBU Nai poured out a hazy light golden yellow colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass as the beer went down. AJB IBU Nai is chock full of aroma with pineapple, mango, oranges, and lemon nose coming off it. There was very little malt base that came through, perhaps a wee smidgen of biscuit but AJB IBU Nai is all about the aromas.

Even though no bittering hops were used in the making of AJB IBU Nai, there is still some bitterness in the beer. It’s not an overly strong bitterness. The tropical flavours are again the star of the beer, with the lingering mango-like flavour holding on throughout before fading, leaving a sticky feeling on the tongue. AJB IBU Nai had no strong malt flavours that came through either; however, there is a slight sweetness that lingers.

AJB IBU Nai The Bottom Line

AJB IBU Nai is a damn nice flavourful beer and I would definitely drink this again. And again.

Where to Buy AJB IBU Nai

AJB IBU Nai can be bought online at the following places:

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