Hideji Kinkan Lager by Miyazaki Hideji Beer

Hideji Kinkan Lager is a 5% fruit beer from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. It uses fresh, locally sourced kinkan, also known as kumquat in English. I can’t image being the person who has to to squeeze all those tiny little fruits, so thank you for whoever does that.

Hideji Kinkan Beer ひでじきんかんビール

Hideji Kinkan Lager Aroma and Taste

Hideji Kinkan Lager pours out a hazy dark orange colour with a slight amount of fluffy white head. The head faded fast to leave a slight white ring around the side of the glass. Hideji Kinkan Lager had a strong orange and malt biscuit aroma to it, with a hint of citrus once it had warmed up as well. It was pretty one-dimesnional in the nose, with no apparent hoppy aroma coming through either when chilled or when warmed up.

There has been a craze for juicy beers of recent, though Hideji Kinkan Lager could easily be considered late to the party – except it’s been around for ages. The body was orange juice forward, with a slight sour note to it. Hideji Kinkan Lager is a very easy drinking beer, perfect for the hot summer days and with its light carbonation, it was easy drinking too. The lingering orange tartness lasted right through until the end and left a slightly sticky layer on the tongue.

Hideji Kinkan Lager The Bottom Line

Hideji Kinkan Lager is a decent fruit beer and perfect for those hot summer nights but it is one dimensional in this juicy beer age.

Where to Buy Hideji Kinkan Lager

Hideji Kinkan Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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