Black Tide Monster Gold by Black Tide Brewing

by Rob

Black Tide Monster Gold is a 6% American IPA from Black Tide Brewing, based in Kesunnuma, in Miyagi, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found both in cans and on tap. Black Tide Monster Gold is brewed using imported Strata hops, with the name “Monster Gold” stemming from the gold mines that were once found in the Kesunnuma area.

Black Tide Monster Gold

Black Tide Monster Gold Aroma and Taste

Black Tide Monster Gold poured out a slightly hazy amber orange colour with a thin later of white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Black Tide Monster Gold had a clean passion fruit aroma with just a hint of citrus notes to it. Along with the hoppy aroma, Black Tide Monster Gold possessed a faint malt sweetness that, once warmed up, also came with a subtle dank note from the hops. Not enough to override the fruity aroma, but definitely noticeable.

The initial sip of Black Tide Monster Gold was bitter, but not overly bitter. Just enough to prick up the taste buds, before the fruity hop flavours came through – once again being similar to some passion fruit and citrus, with grapefruit being the overriding flavour to that citrus rush. The malts were more noticeable in the body, bringing a solid sweet backbone to the beer. The hoppy flavours lingered throughout drinking, but more importantly, there were no discernible off flavours or yeasty notes from the Black Tide Monster Gold – a nice clean body to support all of the flavours going on. The beer finished off with a lingering passion fruit and citrus bite, with a slight stickiness to it as well.

Black Tide Monster Gold The Bottom Line

A good start from the brewers at Black Tide Brewing. Definitely recommended.

Where to Buy Black Tide Monster Gold

Black Tide Monster Gold can be bought online at the following places:

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Christopher Phillips October 20, 2020 - 12:43 pm

Might be good to add an indication of price for these beers too as some are more expensive than others.

Rob October 20, 2020 - 1:32 pm

That would be a lot of extra work to do for very little return. The links to where you can get the beers allow people to decide for themselves if a beer is within their budget.


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