Swan Lake Miel Blanc by Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery

Swan Lake Miel Blanc is a 5% spiced beer from Hyouko Yashiki No Mori Brewery, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their Valentine’s range for 2018. As such, it’s unknown if it will come out again. Swan Lake Miel Blanc is brewed using locally sourced Niigata honey too.

Swan Lake Miel Blanc スワンレイクミエルブラン

Swan Lake Miel Blanc Aroma and Taste

Swan Lake Miel Blanc poured out a golden amber colour with a small amount of frothy white head on tap, which faded fast. It had a strong nutty, biscuit like aroma. Once it had warmed up somewhat, there was a hint of honey and some oranges too.

The body to Swan Lake Miel Blanc had a slightly sour edge to it – not unpleasant mind. The biscuity body paired off well with the honey and oranges, making it a nice soothing beer to drink. However, the flavours never really developed nor got bolder, so after a while, Swan Lake Miel Blanc did seem samey.

Swan Lake Miel Blanc The Bottom Line

Swan Lake Miel Blanc is a nice, light beer. It won’t excite but it is worth trying.

Where to Buy Swan Lake Miel Blanc

Swan Lake Miel Blanc can be bought online at the following places:

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