Far Yeast Belgian Stout by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Belgian Stout is a 7.5% stout from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal offerings and was first released in October 2017. Far Yeast Brewing Company took a foreign stout as their base and then used Belgian yeast to ferment followed up by some secondary fermentation in the bottle. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Far Yeast Belgian Stout is a one-off or if more are coming.

Far Yeast Belgian Stout

Far Yeast Belgian Stout Aroma and Taste

Far Yeast Belgian Stout perhaps had the slowest developing head I’ve ever come across in a beer – halfway through pouring and still nothing had developed. Heck, it took a full minute after pouring for this meagre amount in the picture to come through! It was a slightly off-white though it faded faster than it appeared. Far Yeast Belgian Stout had a pitch black body without any appearance of sediment – surprising for a bottle-conditioned beer. The yeasty funk aroma was evident from the start, along with some roasted black malts, chocolate, and hints of coffee.

The head should have been a giveaway but there wasn’t much life to Far Yeast Belgian Stout in the body either. The flavours were nice – coffee, chocolate, and some roasted cocoa – but the distinct lack of carbonation made everything felt flat when it could have done with some pop to it – something to make it stand out. The yeast left some residual flavours on the tongue with a slight phenolic tone to it.

Far Yeast Belgian Stout The Bottom Line

Far Yeast Belgian Stout lacked life to it when it desperately needed some.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Belgian Stout

Far Yeast Belgian Stout can be bought online at the following places

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