Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer is a 5.5% speciality beer from Tazawako Kohan no Mori Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup of craft beer and is brewed using Akitakomachi rice, making this beer a Japanese rice lager style beer. The rice is sourced from Sendai city, the southernmost part of the Tohoku area. At the time of writing, Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer can be found in bottles, and we’re yet to see it on tap anywhere.
Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer Aroma and Taste
Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer poured out a golden orange colour with a finger’s worth of head on top. The aroma was distinctly malty with hints of sake coming off of it, thanks to the rice. It was all very gentle gentle though and inoffensive – there were no bold, brash aromas nor were there any hints of hoppy bitterness either. All in all, it was pretty bland in the nose front.
With something being so bland to start off with, the expectations for the body were low – and they were right to be. Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer is one of the most inoffensive beers I’ve drunk for BeerTengoku. Heck, it’s so bland that my notes just go “meh, tastes like a beer” and that’s it. Even the aroma was forgettable.
Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer The Bottom Line
If I said that the only reason I wrote this review was because I was looking through my notes and forgotten about Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer, would that be enough for my thoughts?
Where to Buy Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer
Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer can be bought online at the following places: