Voyager Gold by Voyager Brewing Company 

Voyager Gold is a 5.5% golden ale from Voyager Brewing Company, based in Wakayama, Japan. It’s one of their first two beer to be bottled, along with Voyager Copper, and can be found in both bottles and on tap, in limited supply. Not much else is known about the beer, as the Voyager Brewing Company website has not been updated and there is dearth of Japanese information as well.

Voyager Gold

Gold! Always believe in your soul.

Voyager Gold Aroma and Taste

After finally finding out that Voyager Gold was supposed to be a golden ale, it made things a lot easier. It poured out a hazy golden brown colour with about a centimetre worth of head on top. The head lasted right through to the end, but by that time, it had collapsed in on itself to less than half of what it started out as. Voyager Gold had an initially slight buttery edge to it, with a distinct earthy aroma, along with a slight sweet caramel edge to it.

When chilled, Voyager Gold was very easy drinking, with an initial bitterness that lingered throughout drinking, along with a very smooth low carbonated body. It also had a slight grainy edge to it, which paired with the earthy tones nicely. When it warmed up, Voyager Gold’s butteriness became more pronounced and paired with an increasing citrus edge. The slight citrus flavours lingered through into the aftertaste, but so did the buttery edge as well.

Voyager Gold The Bottom Line

Voyager Gold is a refreshing golden ale when chilled but when warmed up, it’s peculiar flavours were off-putting.

Where to Buy Voyager Gold

I picked up my bottle of Voyager Gold from Liquors Hasegawa in Tokyo. At the time of writing, it’s unknown when the Voyager Brewing Company homepage will be selling it.

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Oliver March 26, 2017 - 7:33 pm

Is it an ale? My bottle tasted more like a pilsner or a vienna style. Hard to say, but easy to drink. A good start for this new (?) brand.

Rob March 31, 2017 - 7:35 am


Thanks for the comment.
According to a post from the brewery, it is indeed supposed to be a golden ale. Perhaps the bottle was over carbed?


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