Outsider Bunyip IPA by Outsider Brewing

Outsider Bunyip IPA is 6.5% English IPA from Outsider Brewing, based in Kofu, Yamanashi. It’s part of their all-year round range of draft beer, though there are no plans at the time of writing to release it in bottles. It’s brewed using 100% Australian grown Cascade hops though we’re unsure about how those hops are utilised.

Outsider Bunyip IPA

English meets Australian IPA.

Outsider Bunyip IPA Aroma and Taste

Outsider Bunyip IPA is one of the Outsider Brewing range of beers that I tried a couple of times before BeerTengoku started, but have been unable to find it or just missed it on tap at places. I finally managed to track it down at Craftsman Yokohama and quickly ordered a pint of it, with the mandatory “泡なし” or awa-nashi, which means “no head”. It had a strong citrus aroma which was balanced well with the malts that produced a caramel sweetness that reminded me of Maris Otter.

The body though was more malt forward than hops, with the sweetness coming through much stronger in the end. If you were to go in expecting an American IPA, then you would be disappointed as the malts really are the star of this beer. That’s not to say there isn’t any hop bitterness, as there was plenty to balance against the malt sweetness. There was some residual tastes of plums and peaches in the mix too, with some faint earthy tones as well. Outsider Bunyip IPA finished off with a caramel sweetness and bitterness that lingered before fading slowly.

Outsider Bunyip IPA The Bottom Line

I liked Outsider Bunyip IPA – a decent English style IPA with enough American IPA influence to balance out the former. Worth drinking if you find it on tap.

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