Tainai Kogen Beer

Tainai Kogen Beer

Tainai Kogen Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Tainai City, Niigata. It was founded in 2011 as an off-shoot to the Niigata Beer company and since then, has grown larger year upon year. The brewery strictly adheres to the Reinheitsgebot, the German purity law, so all of Tainai Kogen’s beers do not include any adjuncts, such as orange peel or coriander.

Tainai Kogen Beer Main Lineup

The following beers are part of the all-year lineup

  • Tainai Kogen Pilsner – a 5% German style pilsner brewed using locally sourced mountain water.
  • Tainai Kogen Weizen – a 5% German hefeweizen brewed to a traditional Bayern recipe that has a malt bill with over 50% wheat.
  • Tainai Kogen Alt – a 5.5% alt style beer brewed using slightly darkened malt imported from Germany.

Tainai Kogen Beer Limited Edition and Seasonal Lineup

The following beers are part of the limited edition and seasonal lineup

  • Tainai Kogen Citra Weizen – a 5.5% German hefeweizen brewed using three times the usual amount of Citra hops found in a pale ale.
  • Ginmai IPA – a 6% English IPA brewed using locally grown Koshihikari rice, one of Japan’s most famous strains of rice, and it is also brewed with three different kinds of hops though which ones are unknown at the time of writing.
  • Ginmai White – a 5% Belgian witbier uses locally sourced koshihikari rice from the Niigata area.

Tainai Kogen Beer Details

Address: 670-1 Atsutasaka Tainai-shi, Niigata Prefecture, Japan 959-2823

Phone: 0254-48-2020

Homepage (in Japanese): http://www.tainaibeer.com/index.html

Online Store: http://www.tainaibeer.com/beershop.html

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