Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager by Outsider Brewing

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager is a 6% pilsner from Outsider Brewing, based in Yamanashi and is part of their year-round range of beers. It’s brewed using German grown Tettnanger hops for aroma and at the time of writing can only be found on draft only, with no plans for bottling either.

Hops and Herbs Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager Aroma and Taste

During our recent beer safari around Nagano, we got stuck in some traffic north of Kofu. What better way to kill the time by popping into Hops and Herbs and having some beers in there while we wait for the traffic to subside. Mark also popped along for a chat as well and before you know it, three beers down and time to drive home.

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager was the second of the three beers, following the Outsider Enigma IPA and it couldn’t have been more different. It had a golden yellow colour with a thin ring of head around the side of the glass that lingered until the bottom. It had a grainy nose to it that had some bite to it and a nice herbal hop nose to it that was at a good level.

The body of Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager was crisp with some hints of bitterness though the sweetness of the malts was stronger in comparison. The best thing about it though was the smoothness and how easy drinking it was with the crispness being of just the right level though any more and it would have been cloying. It finished off with a subtle bitter bite to it that lingered briefly.

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager One Line Review

Outsider Innkeeper Bitter Lager is a nice easy-drinking lager good for those hot days though at 6%, it might cut your session short a bit.

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