AJB Espresso Stout by Anglo-Japanese Brewing

AJB Espresso Stout is a 10% imperial porter from Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawaonsen, Nagano. With this beer, AJB took beans from Allpress Roastery Tokyo, part of the chain of Allpress coffee shops from New Zealand, and used their Imperiality as a base to make this winter seasonal beer. At the time of writing, it can only be found on draft only.

AJB Espresso Stout

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AJB Espresso Stout Aroma and Taste

As soon as we got to The Craft Room in Nozawaonsen and saw the menu, AJB Espresso Stout was always the first choice but there was one problem – it was served just too darned cold for our liking. Of course, I tried some and it was chocolate-like with a huge coffee aroma but those flavours masked the ones I wanted so off I went to try the Nozawa Onsen Pale Ale while waiting for this to warm up. And I’m glad I did wait as the coffee and chocolate aromas and seceded to dates, bourbon, with a tinge of cola. It poured out a pitch-black colour with a creamy, off-white head on top which lingered until the beer had warmed up and then left an oily layer on top.

I couldn’t wait to try AJB Espresso Stout before it had warmed up so I had a sip and realised – wait. Some things had better not be spoilt and this was prime material. The rich coffee flavour was balanced nicely with the chocolate and bourbon-like flavour that was followed up with a creaminess to it that soothed the throat. The carbonation was at the right level too and never became too gassy nor was it flat. At 10%, the booziness was incredibly well-hidden and didn’t hit me until far later on when I walked down the road and realised I was drunk. AJB Espresso Stout’s aftertaste was a strong roasted coffee flavour with dates and warming like a good bourbon.

AJB Espresso Stout One Line Review

If you manage to find AJB Espresso Stout then let it warm up before drinking. You’ll thank us for it.

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