Yorocco Kinkan Blond by Yorocco Beer

Yorocco Kinkan Blond is a 6% fruit beer from Yorocco Beer that is part of their limited edition run. It was first released in bottle form in March 2016 direct from the brewery. During the brewing process, Akio-san, head brewer at Yorocco Beer, picked and cut 2000 kinkans, or kumquat, before adding them to the secondary fermenter. Yorocco Kinkan Blond was the second release of their bottled versions, after the Yorocco Black Saint. It can also be found on draft at Beach Muffin in Zushi from time to time.

Yorocco Kinkan Blond

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Yorocco Kinkan Blond Aroma and Taste

Yorocco Kinkan Blond poured out a deep orange colour with a large frothy white head on top. The head was quite large though soon decreased and had good lacing throughout drinking as it clung to the side of the glass. The aroma coming off had a slight caramel edge to it but the kinkans were the star, imparting a smooth citrus orange aroma to it that was slightly bitter. Perfect for sitting on the deck of a bar watching the sun come down over the sea.

The body started off with the kinkans and their citrus bite being well-restrained to allow the slight tartness of the blonde beer to come through. There was a stickiness to Yorocco Kinkan Blond that left some of the tartness after the beer had been drunk yet it was very refreshing and kept me coming back for more. The aftertaste was a slight orange citrus flavour that lingered nicely.

Yorocco Kinkan Blond One Line Review

Yorocco Kinkan Blond is a definite must try beer so get some before it sells out.

Where to Buy Yorocco Kinkan Blond

Yorocco Kinkan Blond can be bought online at the following places at the time of writing:

It can also be bought direct from the brewery too.

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