Home Beer Review Doppo Weizen by Miyashita Shuzo

Doppo Weizen by Miyashita Shuzo

by BeerTengoku Writer

Doppo Weizen is a German style hefeweizen from Miyashita Shuzo in Okayama. It’s a top fermented beer that is brewed using 50% more wheat than normal and has an abv of 5%. Doppo Weizen has also won a couple of domestic awards in 2008 and in 2012 at the National Liquors Conference but nothing else besides that.

Doppo Weizen

Another award winning beer…Yet domestic awards.

Doppo Weizen Aroma and Taste

Miyashita Shuzo seem to have the shotgun approach when it comes to beers; produced many different types as possible and hope that that they sell and nowhere is that more evident than with Doppo Weizen. While the Doppo Imperial Ale is a personal favourite from their range, Doppo Weizen didn’t inspire much confidence when it slopped out of the bottle into the specially designed weizen glass I had procured. There was barely any head to it and the dark golden body lacked much life either. The wheat and citrus aromas were present. Just. It seemed hesitant to give up the aromas I wanted, even when warmed up. There was a smidgen of sourness to it, but I was unsure if that was the sediment that had caused that or if it was a desired aroma.

The surprise though was in the body as the banana and sourness had felt like someone had jacked them up on steroids as they were far more pronounced than I had expected. The wheat flavour was also much stronger along with a crispness to it that produced a sharp edge which worked nicely with the sourness.

Doppo Weizen One Paragraph Review

It wasn’t an exciting beer to drink, and I doubt that I would rush out and by it again but Doppo Weizen is certainly a triumph in body over aroma.

Where to Buy Doppo Weizen

Doppo Weizen can be bought from the

Else, we picked up our bottle from, you guessed it, Le Collier in Tokyo Station.

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Christopher Phillips December 20, 2015 - 10:08 am

“…brewed using 50% more wheat than normal” – sorry, what does that mean?

Rob December 20, 2015 - 9:10 pm

I think they use something like 70%+ wheat as the base for the beer?

I’ll double check in the morning.


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