Home Beer ReviewDraft Review Brimmer California Common by Brimmer Brewing

Brimmer California Common by Brimmer Brewing

by Rob

It was at the newly opened Beer Animal that I had the chance to try Brimmer California Common, though which version it is I was unsure. Brimmer makes a Northern California Common and also a Traditional California Common too so I’m going to lump this one with that last option. It’s a 5% California common style beer – wait let me explain what that is first. Basically, the pioneers that first went west to California in the 18th century didn’t have refrigeration available to them and as such, were forced to brew beer in warmer climes with yeast best suited to the environment rather than the cooler possibilities available to them back east. It’s a style that to unknown to the Japanese craft beer market.

Brimmer California Common

A bit too much head but better than other places we’ve been to.

Brimmer California Common Aroma and Taste

It could just have been me but a beer that is designed to be brewed in a warmer climate should be served at the proper temperature and not at some chilled level as Brimmer California Common was in Beer Animal. It just meant I had to order two and let it warm up before tasting. Brimmer California Common had a light, biscuit colour to the body that was adorned with a lingering, frothy white head on top. The malts were easily detectable as was a subtle hint of lemony hops.

Once Brimmer California Common had warmed up, the malty flavours were more towards the sweet, caramel end of the spectrum along with a little smidgen of a bitter twang to it as well. It was incredibly easy drinking, or it could have just been the Buffalo Chicken sandwich that was making me drink quicker than usual or even the thought of dredging back out in the downpour from typhoon #18. Brimmer California Common finished off dry and lemony.

Brimmer California Common One Line Review

It’s a shame Brimmer Brewing have got a three-beer line up and have Brimmer California Common as a speciality as I really liked it and would buy it if I could find it in bottles.

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