Baird Rainy Season Black Ale by Baird Beer

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale is a seasonal 7%, or thereabouts, black IPA out of Shizuoka by Baird Beer. It evolved from a recipe that Baird Beer did for legendary craft beer bar Popeye in Ryugoku (need to write that review at some point, that place is a second home for BeerTengoku). The yeast strain though comes from the in-house Belgian strain that is also used in the Joie de Vivre Golden Ale.

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale

The clouds rolls over the black sky.

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale Aroma and Taste

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale is definitely a black beer. There is no mistaking that because as soon as you pour it into the bottle, it absorbs all the light from around it. Time and space began to fold in around the beer until I saved the universe and took a good gulp down. The aromas coming off of Baird Rainy Season Black Ale were far fruitier than I expected with a solid lacing of chocolate and roasted malts. Black IPAs are slowly becoming a favourite of mine as they take two of my favorite styles of beers, IPAs and stouts, and mash the aromas together.

With a fairly complex nose, it should have been no surprise that Baird Rainy Season Black Ale had a fair amount going on the taste department. Roasted malts, chocolate notes, and some citrus hops swirled around in the glass, with a smidgen of earthiness. Remember those days when your older sister would make you eat mud pie… No? Damn. Just me. Embarrassing anecdotes aside, Baird Rainy Season Black Ale finished smooth with some nice bitterness.

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale One Line Review

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale is up there as one of my favourite black IPAs, along with Swan Lake Black IPA.

Where to Buy Baird Rainy Season Black Ale

Baird Rainy Season Black Ale can be bought in bottles or on draft from Baird Beer Taprooms annually June 1st for a limited period. If you can’t get to a Baird Beer Taproom, then try the Baird Beer online store here or GoodBeer here.

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