Echigo Weizen by Echigo Beer

Echigo Weizen is a kristalweizen, or a weizen beer that has been filtered (unlike a hefeweizen), from Echigo Beer, Niigata. It has an abv of 5% and is based on a traditional recipe from Bavaria, Germany and uses German yeast in the recipe. Echigo Weizen is not the same as the Echigo White Ale Weizen so be careful there.

Echigo Weizen

Look at those jolly old men chugging back on the beer.

Echigo Weizen Aroma and Taste

Another day and another weizen. Joe has told me off for using the word “another” yet it seems that weizens are perhaps second behind pilsners in terms of being popular. Not that I have anything against them but I do wish there was some more adventurous styles being made. Echigo Weizen has been around for a long time now yet this was the first time I’ve had it.

Echigo Weizen poured out with a crystal clear golden body but it is a kristalweizen so that was kind of expected. It had a subtle aroma of bananas and some spice but it was difficult to really work out what spice was in there. The head was light and fluffy though it dissipated so quickly that I almost forgot there was one. Appearance wise, Echigo Weizen was disappointing.

I’ve had some weird weizens recently, with some being “flat” and others being highly carbonated and Echigo Weizen most definitely falls into the latter category. It was a bit too gassy for me with burps ensuring that made my kids laugh though not quite on the heartburn levels that Joe experiences. The light flavours were so delicate as well that I almost missed out on them in my notes though the banana flavour was perhaps the strongest of note. Echigo Weizen finished off slightly bitter and disappointing.

Echigo Weizen One Line Review

Echigo Weizen is tough to recommend as there are much weizens out there in the Japanese craft beer market.

Where to Buy Echigo Weizen

Echigo Weizen can be bought from the Echigo Beer online store here. We got our bottle from World Gourmet in Yokohama.


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