Gotemba Kogen Weizen by Gotemba Kogen

Gotemba Kogen Weizen is a 5% hefeweizen brewed from German malt imported from Bavaria and is one of the few beers that are available outside of the Gotemba Kogen resort in bottled form; however, it can be bought in can form from their online store or the resort. If you do visit the resort then you can also buy larger 2L growlers that you can refill with any beer you want.

Gotemba Kogen Weizen

It looks like a weizen. Smells like a weizen.

Gotemba Kogen Weizen Aroma and Taste

Gotemba Kogen Weizen pours exactly as you think a hefeweizen should pour out; a solid cloudy golden body followed with a firm white head that does not dissipate quickly. It smells of bananas and cloves, again a good sign compared to traditional German hefeweizens, with a slight sweetness to the nose.

But that is where the strong points end, I’m afraid. Gotemba Kogen Weizen tastes slightly musky and creamy that feels a little off. The banana and cloves in the aroma at the beginning fall flat and it tastes thin compared to the initial expectations. A shame really.

Gotemba Kogen Weizen One-line Review

Gotemba Kogen Weizen is an average weizen that is not going to blow your mind or convince you that weizens are the future.

Where to buy Gotemba Kogen Weizen

Gotemba Kogen Weizen can be bought online at the Gotemba Kogen store here or in major department stores, such as Queens Isetan.

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Oliver May 4, 2016 - 10:01 pm

I just had a bottle (500 ml) of this Gotemba Kogen Weizen, and I think it is a good weizen beer. Not as well done as Fujizakura (but that is one of the best weizens anyway, difficult to compare to anything else….), but I did not think it had a thin taste. I was very satisfied with the Gotemba Kogen Weizen and would buy it again. I got it at the Toki-no-sumika resort in Gotemba, on a Golden-Week-trip. Compared to the Gotemba Kogen Pils and Schwarz, their Weizen is their best beer.

Rob May 5, 2016 - 7:14 am

Maybe the breweries have changed their recipes so will try it again in the near future.


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