Novoru Session IPA : Background Novoru Session IPA is a 4.5% session IPA from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, Kyushu. It is part of their canned and draught line up. …
Miyazaki Beer
Novoru Nyagosu : Background Novoru Nyagosu is 5% hefeweizen from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, Japan. Part of their collaborative range, Novoru Brewing made this with Beer Kichi and Yuya …
Background Novoru Hikaru is a 5% hefeweizen from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, Kyushu. It is available in both cans and on draught. It came about because the head brewer …
Background Novoru Hibiscus is a 5% kettle sour from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, in Kyushu. It’s part of their canned lineup though we’ve not head about it being available …
Novoru Migaku : Background Novoru Migaku is a 5% German pilsner from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, Kyushu. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is …
Novoru Citrus Microcarpa : Background Novoru Citrus Microcarpa is a 5.5% West Coast pale ale from Novoru Brewing, based in Miyazaki, in Kyushu. It’s part of their canned and draught …
For a winter, a stout needs to be much thicker and bolder than this Hideji Beer – a disappointment after their Hideki Kuro Kuri
Hideji Kotohogi Red Lager is a 7% imperial lager from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Miyazaki, in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found …
Hideji Shi Shu 2018 is a 5% fruit beer from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Nobeoka, in Miyazaki, Japan. It’s part of their autumn season lineup and can be found …
Hideji Dark Chestnut Ale is a 9% imperial stout from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Nobeoka, in Miyazaki, Kyushu. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and can be found …